Minutes of Previous Meetings
Goderich Ringette Association
Meeting Minutes
Thursday August 8, 2024
Community Living Central Huron
In attendance, Megan Frayne (President), Mark Moore (Vice President), Andria Croteau (Secretary), Lorraine Ridder (Treasurer), Brian Hesse (Past President), Jenni Arthur (Registration), Tiffany Craig (Communications), Linda Bollinger (Fundraising Chair) Rachel Lynn (Goderich Ringette Day), Becky Moore (Coach Liaison), Tanya Shepherd (Player Development), Derrick Vallee (Equipment Manager), Wes Morley (Statistician/Webmaster), Joan Austin (Ice Scheduler)
Regrets: Becky Meriam (Goderich Ringette Day)
Approval of meeting minutes from May 29, 2024
MOTION: Tiffany Craig SECONDED: Becky Moore CARRIED
Registration *attachment*
- Registration closed July 31st. There is a wait list for U18 of 3 players
- Mitchell released the Exeter Seaforth players, so they are now able to play with GRA
VOTE to allow Exeter Seaforth to receive the early bird rate CARRIED
- There will be movement in the Fun 1,2,3 group which will depend on age and skill level.
- There will also be movement in U14 to allow for 2 U16 teams.
- Decision made to just have one U18 team
- We might need an extra set of jerseys for the U16 team. Joan has reached out to UNIFOR about sponsorship
- Team split committee will be
U12 U16
Tanya Shepherd Becky Moore
Mike Mabon Tiffany Craig
Rachel Lynn Dan Ridsdale
Coaches/Bench Staff
- Becky Moore and Megan to facilitate first coaches meeting. Date TBD
Becky Moore and Becky Meriam have compiled a list of duties for coaches as well as Parent Reps
Coaches’ responsibilities | Parent Rep Responsibilities |
· Email Parents at start of season with first practice dates · Organize and lead practices · Run parent meeting at the start of the season · Book Tournaments · Intermediary between player development rep and team (goalie clinics, penalty clinic, etc. · Reschedule games if needed | · Set up app for communication with team · Coordinate fundraising efforts with GRA fundraising Chair · Organize Volunteers to run clock/shot clock/game sheets for home games · Work with coach to book hotel block for tournaments · Find parent for jerseys and water bottles · Coordinate team gift baskets as required (collect money and purchase) · Plan and schedule team dinners for tournaments · Work with coach to schedule and plan team bonding activities |
Ice Schedule Update
- GRA has the same ice times as last season. Thursday 4-8, Saturday and Sunday 12-3 at the YMCA
- Goderich Flyers offered us some Saturday night ice times
- We were granted our black out dates
- Looking at Zurich Wednesday nights from 8-9 and Hensall Saturdays 11-12
- Games start October 5th
- Karen has sent a contract regarding her fees and obligations. GRA to send the logo to add to the contract. *attachment*
VOTE to accept contract CARRIED
- There will be an officiating clinic in Mitchell in September date TBD
- Cost for officiating will be .58 cents/km $30 for Fun 1,2,3 $35 for U12-U19
Treasurer Update
- Request for financial assistance from a family. There is no additional funding through Jump Start or YRASP.
- MOTION to set aside $1100 in the budget to cover 2 registration costs. The family will be responsible for all additional expenses related to the GRA season (fundraising, tournaments, raffle baskets)
- MOTION Wes Morley Seconded: Brian Hesse CARRIED
Player Development
Power Skating
- More power skating is needed in the beginning of the season
- Trish might be a better option for the younger players, where as Kim would be better suited for the older teams. Coaches could possibly learn from Kim and incorporate into practices
Goalie Clinic
- Tanya to talk to Terry Bean and Jeff Elliott about a goalie clinic. Jacob Garrick was also great at coming out to teach as well.
- Possibility of having this at the Hensall arena on a Saturday at 11am
Penalty Clinic
- Chris Elliott from Mitchell will facilitate
- Coaches need to attend.
- Discussion regarding whether players and parents should attend.
- Discussion regarding having older players demonstrate some penalties
- This could happen on a Thursday night during practice times
- Clinic would run 30-60 minutes and will be held early in September.
- Tiffany to create posts on Instagram showcasing the clinic and penalties
Pink the Rink
- Tournament is booked. 2 U10 teams, 2 U12 teams, a U14 and a U16 are registered. U19 was unable to register as there are no mixed teams.
- Linda has booked a block of rooms for GRA and will email families with the booking link.
- Important dates list is attached
- Looking for team declarations and coach contacts
- Cracking down on mixed teams
Ringette Ontario
- Megan has submitted our Membership Application
- They would like to see our policies, procedures and bylaws updated on our website
- We will put together a committee to update these.
- TABLED to a later date
Equipment Update
- Equipment sale scheduled for September 5th at the YMCA
- Set of rings missing from last year.
- Currently need Rings, water bottles and possibly a set of jerseys
- We will have a space at the YMCA for storage. Derrick to talk to Tara about space and equipment left from last year
- Discussion regarding GRA pants
Spirit Wear
- Jennessa to take this on again this year. Suggested that she look at Hermes and Denny’s in Stratford to see what they have and what the prices are.
- GRA to purchase something for all the GRA players for our 40th We might outsource this. Practice Jerseys, bags, etc.
Ringette Day
- Committee meeting was held July 25th
- Jillian Walden to spear head the dance. Looking at booking the GDCI gym as other venues are expensive.
- Community group to take care of drinks in the Sky Harbour room Friday and Saturday.
- Looking at asking a full organization to come for the day to play each team.
- No food at the arena currently.
- Sub Committees have been created to organize specific stations during the day.
- Alumni game will happen Friday night. Tiffany to create a Facebook page/group that will be specific to GRA alumni.
- Tiffany has done a great job keeping the community and organization updated on events and registration.
- Will be posting about the equipment sale and come try ringette in the next month/
Fundraising Update
- Will look at doing most of what was done last year, starting with smoothies and pepperettes at the beginning of the season
- Parent reps will play a large role in assisting and organizing fundraisers for their team
- Looking at doing a bottle drive and Raffle Box. Some additional information needed for Raffle box. Linda and Lorraine to work on this.
- Request for Worlds Finest Chocolates to be part of the fundraising events
In Camera Session
Next meeting date: Tuesday September 10th at 6:30pm. Meeting to be held at Community Living Central Huron. 267 Suncoast Drive East
Adjournment 9:15 pm
Meeting Minutes
Wednesday May 29, 2024
Megan Frayne’s home
In attendance, Megan Frayne (President), Mark Moore (Vice President), Andria Croteau (Secretary), Lorraine Ridder (Treasurer), Brian Hesse (Past President), Jenni Arthur (Registration), Tiffany Craig (Communications), Linda Bollinger (Fundraising Chair) Rachel Lynn and Becky Meriam (Goderich Ringette Day), Becky Moore (Coach Liaison), Tanya Shepherd (Player Development), Derrick Vallee (Equipment Manager), Wes Morley (Statistician/Webmaster), Joan Austin (Ice Scheduler)
Approval of meeting minutes from AGM April 23, 2024
MOTION: Lorraine Ridder SECONDED: Becky Meriam CARRIED
- Currently have 76 players registered
- Executive will need to split teams in August so that teams have enough time to register for tournaments, etc.
- Early Bird Registration ends June 14th.
- Registration will close July 31st.
- First payments are due October 1st
Treasurer Update
- Ended the season with a $2000 loss
Player Development
Penalty Clinic
- Lots of interest from coaches for a penalty clinic
- Chris Elliott from Mitchell has organized in the past. Possibly have some older players demonstrate right and alternative options. Discussion that Danielle and Dan could assist with this as well. Ref’s that attended would get paid for their time.
- Suggest that parents attend
- Speak to parent at the first parent meeting.
- Tiffany will create a new Instagram account for GRA that would include video and reels from the clinic.
Power Skating
- More power skating is needed in the beginning of the season
- Power skating will host two teams at once (if numbers allow)
- Suggested that Kim coach the older teams and Trish teach the younger teams
- Some coaches are quite skilled at skating and could also run some power skating days
Communications Update
- 14 Days left of the early bird pricing.
- Tiffany looking for pictures for our 40th Also looking to create a logo for the 40th.
- Suggested asking Eunice to volunteer some hours and take pictures of the players on and off the ice. These will be used for social media as well as Ringette Day.
- Wes to create a separate email address for GRA 40th.
Coaches/Bench Staff
- Mainly positive feedback from coaches that completed the survey. All agreed to return
- Coaches would like more coaches’ meetings
- Coaches would also like transparency from the executive. Wes to post minutes on the website.
Parent Reps
- Coaches would also like more responsibility put on parent reps. Parent reps need to be established before the season starts so the responsibility does not fall on coaches.
- Becky and Becky will create a list of expectations for parent reps
Fun 1,2,3 program
- Difference in skill level is different for all fun players. Suggested that this be a tiered system where players move up by levels.
- Players will be evaluated and placed in appropriate levels at the beginning. If there is a price difference by level, parents will have the option to pay the additional registration when their child moves up.
Budget for 2024-2025
- Previous year we had a loss of $2000
- Increase of $50 in GRA registration cost will hopefully make up for that loss.
- GRA is currently well below other Ringette Associations registrations, as well as hockey registration costs.
- Other associations charge a bond fee. Possibly re look at that option
WRRA/WRRL/LORL (points from meeting)
- LORL would like to cover ref costs. Surprised at how much GRA had been paying our refs, especially in travel fees.
- U14 and up can choose not to play mixed teams. All mixed teams must be declared.
- Fun groups will be geographical all season. U12 and U14 will be geographical the first half of the season but will depend on standings for the second half.
- Less teams in U16 and U19, therefore there will be more driving.
- LORL looking at region to host regionals. There could be up to 136 teams, not including U12
Equipment Update
- New and Used equipment sale will take place July 31st at the YMCA. Jenni to have ringette pant size options (will not have the actual pants to try) This is also the last day for registration.
- We will also sponsor an ice time July 31st while the equipment sale is taking place
- GRA will possibly need an extra set of jerseys depending on numbers. The cost of new jerseys is approximately $2500. GRA will look at contacting UNIFOR again to ask about sponsorship. Lance Greer is the contact.
- First Aid kits need updating. Derrik to reach out to Jennessa’s grandfather regarding supplies.
- Additional rings will be purchased at Canadian Tire.
Ice Schedule Update
- Ringette Day Committee met and are looking at scheduling some black out days this coming season. Ringette Day will consist of two days (Friday and Saturday). There will be Alumni games, each team will have a game as well as a showcase game.
- Looking at January 3rd as a Black out Day to host a 3 on 3 tournament. Could use Blyth or Zurich arenas.
- Possibility of the Saturday before Young Canada week as a black out or additional Ringette Day, so that every team plays that day.
- Ice Times this year will be Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. The times will be set at the Ice Scheduling meeting in July at the YMCA. Suggested that we start utilizing Zurich arena as quite a few of the coaches requested more ice time and full ice times.
Ringette Day
- Committee met and had lots of great ideas for the day.
- Looking at getting sponsorships and donations. Looking at partnering with the Town of Goderich
- Lots of merch for sale
- Showcase games, alumni games, player games
- Kids dance will be held at Memorial arena and will be separate from Ringette Day. Will be a Halloween Dance for kids.
- Mural will be complete for Ringette Day. Veronica will also be running a coloring contest
- GRA will have the YMCA gym for the entire day. Theme will be ringette, so will incorporate ringette themed games in the gym. Snippity has been booked.
Fundraising Update
- Will look at doing most of what was done last year, starting with smoothies and pepperettes.
- Letters are going out now regarding donations for the raffle calendars.
- Suggested that we look into signing up to the London Knights for their 50-50 draw proceeds.
- Parent reps to take on more of a role to assist Linda.
- Karen will send document to GRA, which outlines policies and what is happening
In Camera Session
New Business
- Request for swag this year. Who will take this on? Where do we order?
- Discussion regarding tablet for games rather than having parents use their personal phones.
- Megan will pass on any pertinent information from the LORL meeting
Next meeting date: Thursday August 8th at 6:30pm Meeting to be held at Community Living Central Huron. 267 Suncoast Drive East
Adjournment 9:22 pm